Friday, December 5, 2008

Me Change - D Day is Approaching

What is the definition of D Day? D Day is often used in the military to denote the day on which a combat attack or operation is to be initiated.

Well D Day in Shauna’s life will be Wednesday 10 December.

I recently turned 40 and I'm not happy about it. I would have thought that after surviving cancer turning 40 would be a breeze. I thought I would be jumping for joy and wanting to celebrate.

In actually fact, it hit me like a tonne of bricks. Why? I’m not quite sure. Is it because I’m now over the hill…middle aged? Overweight and wrinkly? Gravity is taking effect on my body? I feel like I haven’t achieved anything in my 40 years? I’m not married yet?

I’ve decided that the next 12 months is going to be a year of transformation. Things have to change, with D Day being Wednesday 10 December. Why that date? Well, I’ve already let 4 weeks get away from me. Wednesday will be 47 weeks until my 41st birthday. By then I want to be able to say that I have improved some areas of my life; that I am happier and I am progressing. Don't get me wrong. I am very happy with some aspects but there are many aspects I could improve.

What does D Day mean for me? It will mean:
  • discovery
  • dedicated dramatic change from dowdy and dweeby to dainty
  • diet and damage control
  • daffodils, daisies and dahlias
  • turning day dreams into direction
  • devotion instead of dissociation
  • d time = me time
  • droving – I will learn to ride a horse!
  • dimples

So I haven't really thought about this much but....

In order to achieve a Me Change, every Wednesday I will be posting my goals for the next week and my achievements from the previous week. To have a reference to go back to and to physically see a change will be motivating. I might be opening a can of worms!

I will be comfortably smiling by my 41st birthday!


  1. OH Shauna to be ONLY 40 again would be heaven I could change soo much, I could start to learn computers, sewing the list could go on and on I'm 63and 1/2 oficially an old age pensioner acording to centre link, Guess how I FEEL LOL Keep your chin up and go for it girl

  2. Hi Isabella

    Thank you so much for reading my blog and for commenting. Yes, I guess you've put things into perspective a bit. I am trying to change some aspects of my life so that I'm not still feeling disappointed in 12 months time. 1. I want to learn to sew...I am a complete novice but trying. 2. I want to lose weight and 3. I need to start doing more of what makes me happy! My list could go on and on as well! Good luck with yours!

    Kind regards

  3. Did you know 40 is the new 20? Wish i was 40 again. (Hang on, I hadn't discovered quilting then...ah, 50+ ain't so bad)
    Best wishes with your journey. You have already begun, tho', just by making the decision to begin!

  4. Hi Lindi, there you are again! Thank you for stopping by and making a comment. Tomorrow is D Day and I hope I'm on a journey to a new me!

  5. I am on the fast approach to 40 so I am going to try to make this year really count too.

  6. Hi Tracey. Thank you for visiting - I'm chuffed! Keep in touch and let me know how you're going from time to time. I certainly want to make every day count and not take each day for granted!


Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog.

Cheers Shauna